Holiday Gift Ideas

The holidays are here…boy did that happen quickly.
With the holidays comes the search for the perfect gifts. Something meaningful and useful for someone special in your life and maybe a little something for yourself. 
I put together a wellness inspired gift guide, full of ideas to get your loved one inspired for years to come.
TRX Suspension Trainer:
This is my favorite piece of fitness equipment. It attaches easily to a door and comes in a ready to travel bag that fits well in your carry suitcase. No need to miss a workout when you are out of town. 
Toe Spacers: 
I know what you are thinking, why the heck does anyone need these? We spend lots of time working on strength of our extremities, but we often forget to train our feet. Or better yet, we forget to take care of our feet. These have been a game changer. It is small investment and well worth it. 
SlackBlock for balance: 
This is a great tool for balance. Keep it in the kitchen, while you are waiting for the coffee to brew give it a whirl. 
Favorite books of 2024:
The Menopause Brain by Lisa Mosconi
The New Menopause by Mary Claire Haver
Outlive By Peter Attia
The Sage Warrior by Valerie Kaur
The Creative Act by Rick Rubin
My favorite night time tea:
Lake Missoula Tea Company’s Evening Chai
This is a small list of must haves for you or a loved one. Remember…it’s okay to buy a gift for yourself, you know yourself best. Or send this list to your partner. 
I have no financial affiliation with any of these companies. Just a few of my favorite things.
Jamie Lynn Wellness Signature

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