Vital Signs…are we forgetting a couple?

Are we forgetting a critical vital sign?  

We are all used to having our blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation tested upon arriving in the doctors office. However, the last time you visited with your Primary Care Physician (PCP), did they ask you about exercise and nutrition? Did you enter the office with a concern about digestion, mood, fatigue, joint pain? All of which are influenced by what we put in our mouths and how much we move or in some cases don’t move our bodies.

Two critical vital signs are EXERCISE & NUTRITION!

We all KNOW deep down that movement and eating a healthy diet are essential for deep health. Yet our health care providers rarely ask us about these. Why? That is the million dollar question. I understand that medical students receive little of any education on nutrition. As far as exercise goes, I am unsure if exercise physiology is included in medical school, I would hope so. Yet the top three major causes of death in this country are preventable diseases; prevented by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. 

Chances are that you already know what you need to do in order to feel better. There is no need to get online. No need to sign up for an extreme exercise class or strict deprivation diet. Most people I work with are under fed and under nourished to begin with, remember highly processed food has lots of calories but minimal nutrition. That’s why when you eat highly processed food you are rarely satiated. 

You KNOW that moving your body every day helps you feel better physically and emotionally, especially if it happens outside. You also KNOW that putting down the highly processed foods makes you feel better, the chips, cookies, pasta, fast food.  Yet, these two things are often overlooked. 

Don’t get me wrong, if you’re having a major persistent medical issue, please visit your PCP. And ask them if poor nutrition and/or lack of movement could be influencing your symptoms. 

Bringing nutrition and exercise back into the equation may not SOLVE the problem but I am certain it will MOVE the needle in the right direction. 

Remember you already know what you need to do…you just need to take the right steps.

Keep it simple! Take ONE small action step today.

Here’s a couple ideas:

Get outside and walk for 5-10 minutes today.

When you feel drawn to an unhealthy food choice; STOP, BREATHE, & WAIT. Set a timer for 5-10 minutes and see if the craving is still there.

Having trouble getting started?


Jamie Lynn Wellness Signature

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